Organization Information System

In today's world, it is evident in many areas that the influence of non-governmental organizations and groups operating on a voluntary-member basis is expanding. The most significant of these include political parties, associations, foundations, chambers, unions, and all non-governmental organizations. These groups, which develop according to various objectives, generally operate on a voluntary basis. Consequently, the number of volunteers and members in some organizations can reach thousands or even millions. Sociologically, as these numbers grow, the ability to act in coordination tends to slow down, and internal communication gradually deteriorates. As Paragon Technology, we offer an effective solution to this challenge with our Organization Information System, which we have developed to near perfection after years of work. The modules it provides offer the most accurate management model for such organizations, featuring easy usability, internet-based access, and smart functionalities.

When examining its content, the main headings include:

  • Member Management
  • Volunteer Management
  • Smart Authority Module
  • Internal Organization Information System
  • Training Module
  • Event Module
  • Field Management Module
  • Election System
  • Reporting and Analysis
  • Mobile Applications

The content of this system, whose main headings are listed above, is extensive and comprehensive, making it capable of managing millions. With the election system integrated into the platform, all stages of elections within a chamber or union can be seamlessly managed. Additionally, it flawlessly handles all stages of general or local elections

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